Playday Pups

We keep your dog’s day full of fun, play, and relaxation in a laid-back but structured environment. From morning playtime to chilled-out afternoons, we make sure every dog gets the perfect mix of activity and rest. With plenty of outdoor play in our spacious yard and comfy indoor areas for downtime, your pup will have a great day, all while being cared for by our friendly team. Here’s a peek at what a typical day looks like at Playday Pups!

6-9 AM: Boarding Pup Wake-Up & Daycare Drop-Off

– Boarding dogs wake up, go outside for their first bathroom break, stretch, and play.

– Morning feeding for boarding dogs, along with administering any medications they need.

– Daycare dogs begin to arrive, and introductions are made.

– Both boarding and daycare dogs enjoy supervised play, allowing the group to socialize.

– Continue outside breaks as needed.

9-10 AM: Group Play & Settling In

Playday Pups Daily Schedule

– Both daycare and boarding dogs get settled into the day with light play and socialization.

– Any remaining daycare drop-offs are handled.

10 AM-1 PM: Main Playtime Session

– Active play session for all dogs.

– Supervised indoor/outdoor playtime with toys, group interaction, and activities.

– For dogs that require it, lunch is served around noon.

1-3 PM: Rest, Cool Down/Warm Up, & Inside Time

– Dogs rest inside after the active play session.

– Low-energy activities like TV or laptop time with Dave and Tara.

– Inside playtime for dogs that aren’t napping or just need some cozy couch time.

3-4 PM: Light Play & Get Ready for Pickup

– Light indoor or outdoor play session to get dogs ready for the evening.

– Start cleaning up dogs going home for daycare, including wiping paws, brushing, etc.

4-6 PM: Daycare Pick-Up

– Daycare dogs are picked up by their owners.

– Final outdoor potty break before daycare dogs go home.

6-7 PM: Dinner & Medications for Boarding Dogs

Playday Pups Dog Daycare and Boarding Daily Schedule

– Dinner is served for boarding dogs, along with administering any evening medications.

– After eating, dogs relax and unwind with quiet indoor time.

7-9 PM: Evening Play & Last Potty Break

– Final playtime for boarding dogs with a last outdoor bathroom break.

– Dogs wind down for the night.

9 PM-12 AM: Bedtime Routine

– ‘Go pee, go bed’ routine with boarding dogs.

– Dogs go to bed in their crate, beside the bed, or in the living room, as per usual setup.

Please note that while this schedule gives a good idea of what a typical day looks like at Playday Pups, it’s flexible and can change based on the needs and energy levels of the dogs in our care. We adapt our routine to ensure every pup has the best experience possible, whether that means extra playtime, more rest, or adjusting to weather conditions. This serves as a general guide, but your dog’s happiness and well-being always come first!